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Een verhuisproject is aanstaande en wordt aangegrepen om een cultuuromslag  te helpen bereiken. Anders werken, milieubewuster, meer ontmoeting en interactie, vergroten betrokkenheid.

Ik was als projectleider verantwoordelijk voor alle niet-technische facilitaire zaken: interne communicatie, aanbestedingen catering en schoonmaak, inrichting nieuwe gebouw, verhuizing zelf.


The company wants to expand its footprint in the Middle East and to buy a laboratory where cables and panels can be tested. There is a business, there is a network, and now there is a lab too. But there are no employees yet.

DAAN is flown in (literally) and, together with the business managers involved, puts together a team of technicians, engineers, sales, and administrative support.


A new business structure is announced—derived from a customized strategy.

DAAN provides the necessary infrastructure to make it work: role descriptions, reporting lines, and adjusting financial and HR instruments. And, of course, communication, with employees, and with the works council.


A large non-profit organization wants to link up its internal communications with a “people-oriented” strategy.

DAAN works to make internal HR communication more people-oriented: rewriting all standard correspondence in understandable language, warmer in tone, and more people-friendly.

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